We came across blogger babe Sarah Ashcroft earlier this summer over social media fave Instagram. After fawning over her high street finds and kick ass mirror selfie's we are now hooked on her blog 'That Pommie Girl'. Buckinghamshire gal Sarah has been blogging for 10 months now and when she isn't shopping can be found daydreaming over red Monster Munch crisps!

Need some outfit inspo? Look no further! We caught up with Sarah below... 


Hey Sarah, tell us where 'That Pommie Girl' came from!
I started ‘That Pommie Girl’ just as something fun to do while I was looking for a job in Fashion PR after I left the Fashion Retail Academy. I never would have dreamt it would turn into my job!

Why should people read your blog?
I like to think it is inspiring and an easy read for anyone who has a love for fashion. I am very ‘high street’ so everything is affordable for everyone, oh and if you love pink it will be right up your street!

Any advice to start a fashion blog?
Always be yourself, don’t copy as your personal style will be what makes you stand out. 

Describe your personal style.
I would say it is quite simple and girly.

What has been the biggest highlight of your blogging career?
Oh that is actually quite hard to choose as I have had so many amazing opportunities but I would have to say my recent shoot with Pretty Little Thing, loved that!

What piece of clothing could you not live without?
My Topshop black Joni jeans.

What trend will you be rocking this summer?
Co-ords of course, can’t get enough of them!

What’s your favourite high street brand atm?
Got to be Topshop, always have a soft spot for a bit of Topshop.

If you could raid someone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?
Probably blogger Fanny Lyckman, major girl crush and fashion inspo!

What’s your favourite item from the Skinnydip SS14 collection?
Got to be the iPhone 5C rainbow case!

Style tip?
Always wear what you love and feel good in and you will look perfect every time.

What is your most treasured possession?
Probably a necklace I got for my 16th birthday present from my Granny.

Who was the last person you chose to follow on Instagram?
My mum, ha!

What’s you fave blog to read on your lunch break?
Either Fanny Lyckman or Sincerely Jules

What is your dream career?
To be able to continue blogging full time and aim for bigger and better blogger things!

If you were invisible for a day you would…
Probably stalk Ryan Gosling around for the day!


That Pommie Girl 


