It's that time again to introduce you to one of our favourite jewellery brands. Meet Fera Jewellery, a high quality crafted handmade jewellery brand that combines precious metals and unusual stones. Jo Gordon, (the owner of Fera) creates bold and beautiful pieces that make a statement. For jewellery that you will treasure forever, look no further than the whole Animii collection available online now! Is it too early to start making our Christmas wish list?

Who are you and what do you do?
I am Jo Gordon, the owner of Fera Jewellery. I am a designer maker which means I look after all the processes involved in designing, making and selling a piece of Fera Jewellery.

How did you get into creating your own jewellery?
I became totally obsessed with jewellery during a trip to Cuba in my teens, the locals were reworking antique silverware into one off pieces and selling it at markets, even creating things right in front of you. Coming from a very small town I had never seen anything like it and was fascinated to learn how it was done. It took a few more years of travelling, collecting a tonne of beautiful and one off random pieces from around the world, and then a career in fashion management for me to decide that I really needed to just go for it and learn traditional hand making skills. Initially I thought it would be just a hobby… but I had some amazing tutors who really pushed me to believe in myself and start the brand. I have always been quite creative anyway, I’m happiest when making whether it’s jewellery, or doing up furniture, making cards for friends and family or a random canvas for the wall. I’m just very happy I took the leap of faith! 

What influences your work?
Most definitely my travel abroad… I love to discover new cultures, architecture, landscapes and so on. I think you can definitely see this influence in the ANIMII collection above all. I collected some old Indian and African jewellery when living in Ibiza; I’ve always been drawn to ethnic and tribal designs in my own personal style. There is a huge focus on jewellery within these countries and some very beautiful and interesting beliefs held about the power of jewellery. So from my research into the African jewellery I loved I learnt it was Tuareg… a nomadic desert tribe which inspired ANIMII, and whose cultural beliefs really resonated with me. Nature is also a massive source of inspiration, I find it very important to spend time outside reconnecting. And of course fashion is a massive passion of mine, I’m not a huge trend follower but I do find that my work can tend to be somewhat trend influenced!

How would you describe the space that you work in?
I started the brand from my second bedroom, I’ve always been based in the Jewellery Quarter which is an amazing hive of jewellery activity and history for the industry. There is nowhere else like it! Just recently though Fera Jewellery has moved to Quarter Studios, which is a shared workshop space with a group of fantastic jewellers. I like to be surrounded by moodboards and images of the things which inspire me… I’d like to say it’s organized chaos… but having just moved studios there is a bit more organizing to be done!?

How would you sum up a Fera Jewellery customer?
Bold, brave and a little bit unusual… haha. Like the pieces . Not afraid to make a statement.

What's keeping you busy at the moment?
I’m currently working on a new mini collection… alongside some new pieces for the ANIMII range to include precious metal and stones… exciting times!  

What has been the biggest highlight of the Fera story so far?
The official launch of the shiny new website was a great moment… as was exhibiting at New Designers. It was so much fun.. the ANIMII range had just launched so it was great to get feedback first hand and meet customers in person!

What is your most treasured possession?
I think it does have to be my personal jewellery collection.. as I have lots of memories attached to different pieces and have collected things from all around the world. I’m also very attached to some original old black and white family photos, especially the ones of my lovely mum.

What is your favourite piece from your current collection?
Ooooh this is difficult.. I always think I’ve pinned it down but actually it changes all the time! At the moment I can’t stop wearing the Temple Ring in Gold. 

What piece of jewellery could you not live without?
Well… I thought I wouldn’t be able to live without a ring I got in Cuba… a one-off which I never took off.. and in fact somehow lost years ago. But I still think about it all the time! Haha. However I’m still alive! ;)

Where do you see Fera going in the future?
World domination… Not really but I would love to see Fera pieces in boutiques around the world… a great excuse for business trips of course. I would really love one day to own my own boutique too, and stock Fera pieces as well as other designers. 

If you were invisible for a day you would...
Sneak onto a flight somewhere tropical!


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