If you’re new to the singles club or a long-term member, one thing’s for sure, going it alone can be all kinds of fun! No more sharing food and no compromising on wardrobe space? We think you've got it pretty good, babe! In celebration of Singles Day, we wanted to share our top reasons why being single AF looks good on you... no strings attached.

The only person you need to spoil is yourself!

Starfish all day, every day? No problem… the bed is all yours!

Drunk in love? Nope, just drunk! And tonight, we’re drinking from the bottle! Cos it’s not like you were sharing anyway.

Pizza for one? You can have the leftovers for breakfast and no more compromising on toppings... ain’t nobody got time for that!

Focusing on your goals has never been easier. Do your thang, boo.

Deciding where to spend the holidays is not an issue anymore. The only decision your making this season is what to have for dessert.

And on that note, no more smiling through the sh*t presents from the in-laws. Because we all know how exhausting that was.

Baby llama don’t want no drama… and there's less of a chance you’ll be getting any of that round here!

With no one to impress, personal grooming is something of the past... meaning more time & more money for other, more exciting activities.

Netflix and chill without sharing the Ben & Jerry's? DREAMY! You can also binge watch an entire season without waiting for your bae to catch up. Stranger Things waits for no one.

More time to hang out with your friends, which means more brunch, which means you’ve already won.

You can take as long as you want to get ready, with no one to tell you otherwise. Contour, cut crease and all of the glowwwwwww? Hell yes!

And finally, four-legged friends seem all the more appealing these days!
Whether you’ve already found your one or your staying solo this year, there’s always time to treat yourself! Shop our new in pieces for hot-off-the-press faux furs to holo cross body bags... we're confident you'll find your perfect match!